Player comparison with ranking by hero

The first filter decides which players will be presented and which data will be used for that presentation. The second filter sets the data that will be used as a comparison. In general you want the second filter to encapsulate more data. Please note that the players in filter1 do not need to occur in the data of filter2.
For an example take a look at Lunatic-Hai's players at APEX S2 compared to all players at all LANs since the new patch.

Filter1 - The players you want to get rankings on

Filter2 - The data you want to compare the players with

Color Code: worst | bottom 5% | bottom 10% | bottom 15% | below average | above average | top 15% | top 10% | top 5% | best
Tip: Hover numbers for more precise values and averages. Sorting is done by percental change to average.
Averages are calculated using all players' stats. Top/Bottom x% comparisons only use criterium fulfilling players (CFP). The only criterium is a +15min playtime (default). Only CFP's are shown below.
Player Hero #CFP Time Rating Win% FWin% PTK PTD kills/10min deaths/10 assists/10 ults/10min TTCU KPU Ult Eff FF FK FD F3K F3D avg K Pos avg D Pos TUH
Warning: Loading without any primary filters can (depending on your PC) take a few minutes!
export data as csv